R statistical software download for mac
R statistical software download for mac

r statistical software download for mac
  1. #R statistical software download for mac install#
  2. #R statistical software download for mac mac#
  3. #R statistical software download for mac windows#

#R statistical software download for mac install#

I suggest that you install R into a differentĭirectory, such as C:\R\, to avoid this issue. "Run as administrator." Otherwise, packages will be installed in a package library particular to your user account rather than the main R package library that should work OK too. Privileges to install packages: Right click the R icon and select When you first load the Rcmdr package with the command library("Rcmdr"), it will offer to download and install missingĭependencies allow it to do so. If you installed R in Program Files, you may prefer to run R with adminstrator R will ask you to select a CRAN mirror pick the first, "0-Cloud" mirror, or a mirror site near you. Menu or via the command install.packages("Rcmdr") entered at the R > command prompt. The easiest way to install the Rcmdr package is via the Rgui Packages -> Install packages

#R statistical software download for mac windows#

If the general installation procedure and installation issues above are insufficient, here is specific information for Windows, Linux, and macOS systems: Windows Installation Be sure to use a plain-text editor to create this file, not a word processor like Word, or, if using a word processor, to save the file as a plain-text file.

r statistical software download for mac

Rprofile to your home directory, with the following contents: If you wish to start the R Commander automatically when R starts up, you canĪdd a plain-text ("ascii") file named. In the second instance, you can install the current version of R (always a good idea), and start again. In the first instance, you can install (each) missing package directly via the command install.packages(" package-name"), or, for more than one missing package, install.packages(c(" package-1-name", " package-2-name", etc)), selecting a different CRAN mirror from the one you used initially. There are two common causes for this problem: (1) The package(s) in question may be temporarily missing from the CRAN mirror that you used or (2) the package(s) may be permanently unavailable for an older version of R. When this happens, there is typically an informative error message about the missing package(s). Ocassionally, an R package or packages required by the Rcmdr package fails to be installed and the R Commander can't start.

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Once it is installed, to load the Rcmdr package, just enter the.Start R, and at the > command prompt, type the command install.packages("Rcmdr").

#R statistical software download for mac mac#

  • On macOS only, download and install XQuartz, and reboot your computer (see the Mac notes below for greater detail).
  • On Windows, opt for a customized startup and select the single-document interface ("SDI," see the Windows notes below for details). If you have an old version of R - that is, older than the current version - then it's generally a good idea to install the current version of R before installing the Rcmdr package.
  • Download R from CRAN and install it in the manner appropriate to your operating system.
  • These instructions assume that you have an active Internet connection. The following instructions may be all you need to get started for more detailed instructions and potential installation issues, see the various sections below. These additional packages will either be installed along with the Rcmdr package or the Rcmdr will offer to install them when it first starts up (and you should accept the offer). Many of these packages have their own dependencies, which depend on still other packages, etc. Such as tcltk and MASS, that are part of the standard R distribution), and these 2 of my book Using the R Commander.Ī general point is keep in mind is that the Rcmdr package usesĪ number of other "contributed" packages (in addition to packages, Particularly on Macintosh systems, and these are described in this document.įor more detailed basic installation instructions, see Ch. There are, however, a few installation issues, The Rcmdr package is a standard R package, and it installs and R Commander Installation R Commander Installation Notes

    R statistical software download for mac